Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Adventure

My oldest daughter and I took a ride to Bodega Bay yesterday. The day was perfect. The sun was bright the sky was blue and the temperature was in the 60's.  We decided to stop at a little cafe and have a bite to eat. I also wanted  Bri to have some green tea with Ginger and honey, to soothe her stomach. We then went to the little store, next to the cafe, and bought some salt water taffy. It was AWESOME!
We decided on a spot to sit on the beach. It was actually in a cove area with high rock behind us. It was like an open cave. It was obvious that this was a popular spot. We noticed some beer bottles and a man made fire pit. We then noticed a sandwich baggy filled with something green. We were wondering if  it was a baggy of marijuana! When I moved the baggy with my foot, the scent coming from it, made the discovery of the weed undeniable. The baggy was fairly full, so we both knew that someone would definitely be searching for their lost weed.
We quickly gathered our things and moved on to a new spot to sit. We took lots of pictures and talked for a while. I just could not stop thinking about that bag of weed, which was sitting there in plain site for anyone, possibly kids, to have access to.
On our way to the car I suggested that we go back to the baggy of weed and bury it. We did!
We piled lots of sand over it. I'm not sure if anyone will come back to possibly look for it, but if someone does, they will have to do a lot of digging to find it!
Thank you for the adventure. I love to be near the ocean. It stills my soul.

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