Sunday, October 8, 2023


As I started to wake up this morning, I was over-taken by grief. My heart hurts so intensely.
I grieve for the innocent babies, children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and families, as they are watching, in horror, as their lives are taken in the most heinous and brutal ways.
I can't help but think about our own lives and the lives of our loved ones who have been murdered. I can't help but be reminded of the times, that I felt that, those who committed these crimes against "MY FAMILY" members, should die!
I soon learned through my own self assessment, that MURDERING ANYONE, in retaliation, is NOT WHO I AM! Nor, is this someone, I EVER, want to be! I can't change what has happened, And, neither can ANYONE ELSE!
The bloodshed will never end until we have a collective agreement which denounces violence. I can't change anyone else's thoughts, feelings, and/or perceptions, ONLY, MY OWN.
Today, in this moment, I will heal my heart. I will pray for Peace. I will help where I can. Thank you ,GOD!
May be an image of heart and text that says 'My heart hurts Sending prayers for peace. Murdered children and innocent lives taken, "FROM ANYWHERE" will never be THE ANSWER, NEVER EVER!!!'
All reactions:
Loretta Rockwell, Carlos Solorio and 11 others