Sunday, December 18, 2011

Several Angels in my life

Again, I am up before the light of day. I  have already had a cup of coffee. As I'm sitting her typing, I see Miles asleep on the couch next to the Christmas tree. I made mom her favorite oatmeal and a cup of coffee. I can't help but feel blessed this moment. I have so much love in my life.
It feels good to have a purpose. I know that life can seem chaotic and a little scary at times. I have lived through some of those times. I now know that there is really nothing to be scared of!
Raymond and I were talking about some of the stupid things we did when we were young. I know that I for one, should not be alive to write about them now. I put so many people, who loved me, through much unnecessary drama, which I created on a daily basis. I thank God that I don't live like that today!!!!!
Today is going to be a day of clearing out the old to make room for the new. We will finish clearing out moms apartment and then cleaning it. Mom will be having surgery again tomorrow morning. I don't want her to have anything on her mind when she goes in. All the loose ends are nearly completed.

Another Blessed Day

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